September quilt 1 and almost quilt #2

A text from someone wanting the quilt I had posted last time was a HUGE incentive to finish it up. So I did!

I quilted along the rows and then tied in the center of each block. Simple.

I used a vintage sheet for the back, a sheet covered in green grass and butterflies and a perfect match for the quilt top.

This next quilt is an almost finish.
The pattern is called "Can't Help Myself" and is from the book Quilting Happiness.
The pattern has one more row of blocks but I just had to stop. My son picked this pattern a few months ago, and wanted blues and reds. I found those. Then as I started working out what fabric is used where, I needed one more. I chose that yellow--and that was the first mistake.

I finished a block and asked him to come look at it. It was several months later, but I could tell from his reaction that 1)he didn't like it or 2)he couldn't figure out how that would look. As I made a couple more, I found out it was the first choice. I also had HUGE problems because the instructions used alternate methods of making the blocks but I didn't catch that when I started. I ripped a lot of seams. Even once I got past that, I had to rip seams on nearly every block because I put something out of order. And all those points that are supposed to match up--uggh. Just to clarify--the author did a great job writing the pattern instructions, I just didn't pay close enough attention

So this is quilt is going to be a square baby sized quilt rather than torturing myself trying to piece on one more row, especially since it is not what my son wanted. Hopefully finishing it up will be a smoother process!


  1. visiting from crazy mum quilts. I love love your top quilt. totally understand how someone could txt you wanting it. Great finish


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